Finding Encouragement In God’s Word

The first time the enemy attacked my dream of writing was in elementary school.  

I remember it vividly – passing the paper to the left several times for “the sake of” anonymity. At eleven, I was smart enough to count how many times we passed that paper. I knew exactly where it ended up and who held it in his hands. Much to my dismay, he volunteered to read my story.

I remember the snickering girls sitting across from me and feeling small. But none of that compared to what our teacher did next.  She asked the young boy who the writer was. So much for anonymity! And then proceeded to verbally attack my creative writing skills in front of the class.  

Needless to say, I felt stupid and humiliated.  

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This was the beginning of a battle I’m still fighting. 

A recent and subtle attack came in the form of time. Seeing my paycheck in black and white began a series of thoughts that went something like this:  

  • This won’t pay the food bill.  
  • I need another job. 
  • I won’t have time to do anything, let alone write. 
  •  I’m not good enough anyway. On and on it went. 

I Felt Defeated

I walked around my kitchen, mind swirling, feeling defeated.
In that moment of defeat, I grabbed my phone and googled scripture verses for encouragement.

Alone in my kitchen, phone in hand, I read the list of verses to myself first, then out loud. With each verse, I felt stronger. Empowered.   

It became clear to me.

Creating situations to waste precious time was one of the tactics used.

An example…

Have you looked for a job online lately?

I spent countless hours looking for a new job and came up empty-handed. A waste of precious time that could have been spent doing what God put me on this earth to do!
 Not only was I wasting time, I wasn’t trusting in God’s provisions for me.

Scripture, God’s word, is part of our armor. And we are blessed to have it at our fingertips.

I may not have been able to fight at 11, but I sure as heck can now and, so can you. 

Turning to scripture that afternoon, not only lifted me up, but it also gave me the strength and courage to dig my heels in and fight for what I believe the Lord has called me to do.  

If you are feeling discouraged or defeated. Lean on God’s word. Read scripture verses of encouragement. Speak them out loud, and make them personal. I believe it will lift you and give you the strength to carry on. 

Until next time, enjoy your day and the journey


Sharing God’s love through creative works.

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Published by Adele

Writer, Pianist, Quilter Weaving Fabric With Faith.

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